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At first blush, an exuberant bouquet of candied blueberries, blackberries, jasmine, and orange blossoms jumps out of the glass and demands full attention. Underneath the fruits and flowers lie warm scents of brioche, cocoa and baking spices. The taster is then rewarded with intense cherry, mixed berry and pluot followed by caramel and espresso. The overall sensation is sublime bliss on the palate as the elegant finish slowly fades away.


Harvey and Harriet is the Bordeaux blend created by Eric Jensen of Booker Vineyard, in an attempt to make a wine that his parents would love and could afford. It is a wine that’s made by hard work, the best vineyard sites, the best barrels, the best team and of course no additives or concentrates. A world class wine for everyone who appreciates high quality without the high price tag.

Harvey and Harriet Red Blend

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